Is Yeoman Chambers in Mass Effect 3?

Is Yeoman Chambers in Mass Effect 3?

Kelly Chambers, also known as Yeoman Chambers is a Psychologist and acts as an informant to Commander Shepard in Mass Effect 2. She tells him what is going on in the Normandy SR-2 including if e-mails have been received, and when crew members need to speak with him….Kelly Chambers.

First Appearance Mass Effect 2
Voiced By Cara Pifko

Is it possible to save Yeoman Chambers?

The player will need to leave right away to rescue Yeoman Chambers. Check out the How to Save Everyone in Suicide Mission guide for how to do that while still completing every Loyalty mission. Notably, the game only counts missions and visits to hub areas like the Citadel.

How do you keep Kelly Chambers alive in me3?

How to Save Kelly Chambers in Mass Effect 3

  1. Be as kind to Kelly in dialogue choices as possible.
  2. Have dinner with her after progressing her interactions to a certain point.
  3. Save her from the Collectors after the Normandy crew was abducted (i.e. save them as soon as possible after their abduction).

Does romancing Kelly affect me3?

Kelly is a romance option available to both Male and Female Shepard in Mass Effect 3. However, this romance is only possible if you were in a flirty relationship with her during Mass Effect 2, invited her to your cabin at the end of the game, and haven’t romanced anyone else in Mass Effect 3.

Why does Kelly look different in me3?

Between Mass Effect 2 and 3, yeomen Kelly Chambers became almost unrecognisable. Due to character textures not transferring over to the sequel properly, her face ended up looking a whole lot different, completely unintentionally.

Can you save Kasumi me3?

Kasumi is part of the Hanar diplomat mission on the Citadel. She needs to have survived in the 2nd game. You also must complete the mission in 3 before the story mission involving the Citadel, or else the mission is lost.

Is it better to rewrite or destroy the heretics?

Rewriting the heretics makes the Geth stronger, causing more problems to quarians (and more casualties), and destroying them makes the quarian’s war easier (and less of them die).

Can Legion survive without loyalty?

You are right, you can keep Legion alive without him being Loyal, as @Fred_vdp explained perfectly. You also will not lose other Party members if the rest is Loyal.

Should I tell Kelly Chambers to change name?

Choice: Change your identity By choosing “Change your identity”, when you visit the Citadel again after the Mission Priority: Citadel II, you’ll be able to converse with her again, and you’ll find out that, by you telling her to change her name, saved her life.

Should I keep the Reaper base or destroy it?

Saving the base will give you the human Reaper’s brain, which is 110 EMS. Destroying it gives you the human Reaper heart, which is 100 EMS.

Who is the best romance in Mass Effect?

Liara T’Soni Liara’s status as by far the best long-term romance option in the original Mass Effect game is already reason enough to rank her high on this list, but her lofty placement is really all about how your relationship with Liara evolves across the trilogy.

Can you romance both Kelly and Samara?

Both Shepards are able to continue a romantic relationship with Kelly Chambers or Samara, start or continue one with Kaidan or Liara, or start one with Diana Allers.

Who can Femshep romance in Mass Effect?

In Mass Effect 1, female Shepard can romance either Kaidan or Liara. Male Shepard can romance either Ashley or Liara. Aside from these main romances, you can also experience a romance scene with the Asari Consort on the Citadel.

Is Kasumi a synth?

She has no synth component.

Can you save Jondum Bau?

Depending on your actions, you will get one of two rewards and Jondam Bau will live or die. If you did the DLC with Kasumi Goto then she will stop the virus and Shepard will save Jondam Bau. This way you will get both war assets. If you completed her loyalty mission in ME2, Kasumi will also join the cause.

Will Legion be loyal if you destroy the Geth?

Regardless of what action you take at this point in the mission as far as rewriting or killing the Geth goes, Legion will be happy with the outcome and will become loyal. That loyalty can be reversed in a confrontation with Tali aboard the Normandy after the loyalty mission.

Why is destroying the Geth renegade?

Destroying them will help pave the way for the two races to settle their differences. And peace is the only way you can keep both Tali and Legion on your side. In fact, either companion can die if the conflict between the Geth and Quarians remains.

Can you regain Tali loyalty?

When Tali & Legion Argue, take Tali’s side or resolve the argument. If you do not take Tali’s side, go and speak to her right away after the argument and use your morality dialog option to regain Tali’s loyalty.

What happens if you don’t do Samara’s loyalty mission?

If you killed Samara and allowed Morinth to join your squad, she will send an email to say goodbye and that’s the last you’ll hear from her. If you killed Morinth, or if you didn’t complete Samara’s loyalty mission and she survived anyway, then she’ll show up during a side mission and considerably alter its course.

Does Kelly romance affect other romances?

Her romance mechanics are unique as she doesn’t interfere or otherwise clash with pursing other lovers, including maintaining old flames like Liara, Kaidan, and Ashley. However, completing it does require Shepard to be single and available after finishing the Suicide Mission.