What are the examples of short story?

What are the examples of short story?

Here are some short story examples that might spark a lifelong love for the genre:

  • “The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Allan Poe.
  • “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst.
  • “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens.
  • “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson.
  • “The Gift of the Magi” by O.
  • “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant.

Is depth another word for length?

What is another word for depth?

breadth extent
length generality
margin capacity
soundness ambit
stretch dimensions

What is opposite word of depth?

Opposite of great depth of insight or knowledge. ignorance. imprudence. inability. ineptness.

Is deepness a word?

1. The extent or measurement downward from a surface: depth, drop.

Is height and depth the same?

What is the difference between Depth and Height? Depth is always measured in the downward direction, whereas the height is always measured in the upward direction.

What does depth range mean?

n the range of distance in front of and behind an object focused by an optical instrument, such as a camera or microscope, within which other objects will also appear clear and sharply defined in the resulting image. Compare → depth of focus.

How do you say long story short in French?

“to make a long story short” in French

  1. pour résumer.
  2. bref.

What does in depth mean?

: covering many or all important points of a subject : comprehensive, thorough an in-depth study in-depth news coverage …

What is an example of depth?

Depth is defined as the distance from top down or front to back, or the intensity of color or sound. An example of depth is a swimming pool being six feet deep.

How do you write long story short?

make a long story short

  1. abbreviate a long explanation into a short one.
  2. get to the point.
  3. give only the basic facts instead of a full explanation.
  4. give a short version or only the conclusion of a long story.
  5. leave out details of a long winded narration.