What are three synonyms for expanded?

What are three synonyms for expanded?


  • bolster.
  • broaden.
  • develop.
  • enlarge.
  • increase.
  • spread.
  • swell.
  • widen.

Can you expand on that meaning?

: to speak or write about (something) in a more complete or detailed way : elaborate on She declined to expand on her earlier statement. Please expand on that idea.

How do you teach sentence expansion?

Below are a few simple steps teachers can take to incorporate sentence expanding into their writing instruction.

  1. Step 1: Identify What is Included in a Simple Sentence.
  2. Step 2: Expand the Sentence.
  3. Step 3: Practice Writing Expanded Sentences.

What is expansion of passage?

A sentence, or a short passage, has to be enlarged into a paragraph by the fuller and more elaborate expression of its meaning, or by adding illustrations, details or proofs to a simple statement. Such exercise practically amounts to the writing of miniature essays on the subject of the original sentence or passage.

What does inflate mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to swell or distend with air or gas. 2 : to puff up : elate inflate one’s ego. 3 : to expand or increase abnormally or imprudently.

What causes expansion?

Expansion may be caused by factors external to the economy, such as weather conditions or technical change, or by factors internal to the economy, such as fiscal policies, monetary policies, the availability of credit, interest rates, regulatory policies or other impacts on producer incentives.

What’s the opposite of expansion?

What is the opposite of expansion?

lessening decline
decrease reduction
contraction diminution
dwindling ebbing
waning let-up

What is the opposite of absence?

Antonym of Absence Word. Antonym. Absence. Presence. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is expansion in sentence?

1 The company intends a slow-down in expansion. 2 The company was now set for major expansion. 3 Their much-touted expansion plans have come to nothing. 4 Expansion was made possible by the investment of government money. 5 The rapid expansion of cities can cause social and economic problems.

What is the different between absent and absence?

Absent is a word in English language that is used to refer to something or someone who is not present or missing. Absence is another word that is the state of being absent. This means that if someone is not present, he is absent and his absence is noted.

What does an unavailable number mean?

Cell phone calls designated as “Unavailable” on a phone’s caller ID are placed from an area or region from which your wireless service provider or phone company is unable to retrieve a phone number. A “Restricted” phone call comes from a caller who has specifically blocked your phone from identifying his number.

What does absence mean?

1 : a state or condition in which something expected, wanted, or looked for is not present or does not exist : a state or condition in which something is absent an absence [=lack] of detail In the absence of reform [=without reform], progress will be slow.

What is the meaning of currently unavailable?

: not available: such as. a : not possible to get or use a book that is currently unavailable online The conference room is unavailable this afternoon. b : unable or unwilling to do something Officials were unavailable for comment. The manager is unavailable to speak with you right now.

What does the person you are trying to reach is unavailable?

Calling a Blocked Phone The person you are trying to reach may have blocked your number, so you receive the “Person is not accepting calls” message. On most accounts, you can not talk to the person directly, but you can leave a voicemail. If that does not work, try calling another person you both know.

What is another word for absence?

In this page you can discover 76 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for absence, like: void, nonattendance, lack, omission, missing, inattentive, dearth, nonreality, nonsubsistence, and wantage.

What does unavailability mean?

Unavailability is the probability that an item will not operate correctly at a given time and under specified conditions. It opposes availability.

What does lack of absence mean?

“Absence” always means that something is not there. “Lack” can mean that something is absent, but can also mean a shortage, or a deficiency.

What is the example of passage?

An example of passage is when you go on a trip and someone tells you to be safe in your travels. An example of passage is when a car moves through a restricted area with permission. An example of passage is when time moves forward.

What is expansion in a business cycle?

Expansion is the phase of the business cycle where real gross domestic product (GDP) grows for two or more consecutive quarters, moving from a trough to a peak. Expansion is typically accompanied by a rise in employment, consumer confidence, and equity markets and is also referred to as an economic recovery.

Where there’s a will there’s a way expansion of idea?

“Where there’s a will there is a way” is a proverb which teaches us that if we are determined to do something, we will find a way to accomplish it regardless of all obstacles and difficulties we may face. It means that if we have enough determination we can achieve our aims in life.