What do you think will happen if Earth has no tectonic plates Brainly?

What do you think will happen if Earth has no tectonic plates Brainly?

Answer. Answer: There will be no lands, mountains, terrains, hills, island even volcanoes where the continental crust will just disappear under the surface of the ocean.

What is a good km per Litre?

The generally accepted standard has risen from a consumption of around 8.1 to 7.1 litres per 100km (35-40mpg) in the past to more like 5.6 to 5.1 litres (50-55mpg). As a rule of thumb, vehicles listed at less than 6.0 litres/100km are considered to have ‘good’ MPG.

How many kms is too many for a diesel?

“You can get up to maybe 250,000 km or 300,000 km before a gas engine starts to make noise, or burn oil because it’s wearing out, but a diesel can quite easily do 500,000 km and still be in excellent shape,” says one certified mechanic I spoke with.

What percent of electricity comes from coal?


Which directly contribute to sea level rise?

The two major causes of global sea level rise are thermal expansion caused by warming of the ocean (since water expands as it warms) and increased melting of land-based ice, such as glaciers and ice sheets.

How do I know if my fuel consumption is good?

Remember, the lower the litres per 100 kilometres (L/100 km) rating, the better the fuel consumption. And the higher the miles per gallon (mpg) rating, the better the fuel use.

When it is burned to produce electricity blank emits the most carbon dioxide?


Do cars release CO2?

A typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. This assumes the average gasoline vehicle on the road today has a fuel economy of about 22.0 miles per gallon and drives around 11,500 miles per year. Every gallon of gasoline burned creates about 8,887 grams of CO2.

What are the qualities of a greenhouse gas?

Key Properties. The three important properties of a greenhouse gas are the wavelength of the energy the gas absorbs, how much energy it absorbs, and how long the gas remains in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gas molecules absorb energy in the infrared region of the spectrum, which we generally associate with heat.

What would Earth be like without the greenhouse effect Brainly?

Answer: The earths temperature would drop drastically. Our carbon dioxide and methane would be changed and fluctuate geological time scales.

How many kms can a car travel on 1 Litre of diesel?


Is 12 Litres per 100km good?

In general, 5 to 8 litres per 100 km would be considered a good fuel efficiency, 8 to 12 litres per 100 km would be average, and more than 12 litres per 100 km would be considered a relatively low fuel efficiency.

What would the average temperature on Earth be if the greenhouse effect didn’t exist?

-18 °C

What is the cheapest source of electricity?


How would a weaker jet stream help cause extreme flooding Brainly?

4. How would a weaker jet stream help to cause extreme flooding? A. It would cause increased evaporation.

How many miles will 1 Litre of petrol do?

160.1 divided by 22.3 = 7.179 miles per litre. This is 7.179 x 4.544 = 32.62 miles per gallon.

Why is coal such an attractive source of electricity?

Cheapest source of energy. It is by far cheaper than nuclear, natural gas, oil. Unlike other forms of energy (nuclear, natural gas, oil, hydroelectric), coal provides many jobs in removing coal from the earth, transporting it to the utility, burning it, and properly disposing of coal ash. Coal is American made.

How far can you drive on 1 Litre of petrol?

it depends on the car, speed, engine size… an economy car can give you an average of 13 kilometers per liter taking some considerations: a fixed speed of something like 60 kilometers an hour.