What does the statement mean?

What does the statement mean?

1 : something stated: such as. a : a single declaration or remark : assertion. b : a report of facts or opinions. 2 : the act or process of stating or presenting orally or on paper.

What happens if you don’t pay full statement balance?

If you can’t afford to pay the full statement balance, make at least the minimum payment by the due date. On top of any fees your bank may charge for late payments, a late payment on your credit reports can stay there for seven years.

Is it better to pay credit card before statement?

Paying your credit card balance before its statement closes can lower your interest payments and increase your credit score. This is because paying early leads to lower credit utilization and a lower average daily balance.

Is a statement a fact?

A fact is a statement that is real or true, or a thing that can be shown to be real or true. A fact is something that has really happened or is actually the case. The usual test for a statement of fact is whether it can be seen to be true.

Should I pay statement balance or balance?

Pay your statement balance in full to avoid interest charges But in order to avoid interest charges, you’ll need to pay your statement balance in full. If you pay less than the statement balance, your account will still be in good standing, but you will incur interest charges.

What is statement balance?

Your statement balance is the amount you owe on your credit card as of the latest billing cycle. Your current balance refers to all unpaid charges on an account, up to the date of your inquiry. The two are often different, especially if you use your credit card every day.

What Compare means?

The dictionary definition of compare (verb) is to view something in relation to another. In math, to compare means to examine the differences between numbers, quantities or values to decide if it is greater than, smaller than or equal to another quantity.

What’s the opposite of compare?

You probably know contrast in its relation to compare. To contrast something is to look for differences among two or more elements, but compare is to do the opposite, to look for similarities.