What exceed means?

What exceed means?

exceed, surpass, transcend, excel, outdo, outstrip mean to go or be beyond a stated or implied limit, measure, or degree. exceed implies going beyond a limit set by authority or established by custom or by prior achievement. exceed the speed limit surpass suggests superiority in quality, merit, or skill.

What is world’s favorite fruit?


Why is it called Produce?

According to this (admittedly slightly dubious) source: Vegetables are called Produce because they are part of the tropic level “Producers”, which convert solar energy into chemical energy (sugars).

What is the most used vegetable?

Are bananas considered produce?

The yellow thing you peel and eat is, in fact, a fruit because it contains the seeds of the plant. Although since bananas have been commercially grown, the plants are sterile, and the seeds have gradually been reduced to little specs.

What is the most sold fruit in the world?


What does produce mean?

to bring into existence; give rise to; cause: to produce steam. to bring into existence by intellectual or creative ability: to produce a great painting. to make or manufacture: to produce automobiles for export. to bring forth; give birth to; bear: to produce a litter of puppies.

What is excel at mean?

Verb. 1. excel at – be good at; “She shines at math” shine at. excel, surpass, stand out – distinguish oneself; “She excelled in math”

What are synonyms for Excel?

Some common synonyms of excel are exceed, outdo, outstrip, surpass, and transcend.

What is the most popular fruit in the world 2020?

What Is the Most Popular Fruit in the World? Top 5 Fruits Ranked

  1. Tomatoes. Despite common misconception, the tomato is technically a fruit because it contains seeds.
  2. Apples. Also among the most common fruits enjoyed around the world, apples are mainly grown by China, the U.S., Europe, and Turkey.
  3. Bananas.
  4. Oranges.
  5. Mangoes.

How do you use produce?

Used with verbs: “I need to buy some produce at the market.” “She sells fresh produce at the farmer’s market.” “He grows his own produce.” “We eat a lot of produce.”

What is another name of spreadsheet?

What is another word for spreadsheet?

table database
worksheet grid
array matrix
list checklist
tabulation register

What is the full form of Excel?

Definition. Options. Rating. EXCEL. Electronic Xylophones Create Electronic Listening.