What is another word for leaving a mark?

What is another word for leaving a mark?

What is another word for leave a mark?

hit hurt
impinge on knock back
knock sideways make an impact
leave a mark on influence
strike sway

What does the phrase leave a mark mean?

phrase. If someone or something leaves their mark or leaves a mark, they have a lasting effect on another person or thing. Years of conditioning had left their mark on her, and she never felt inclined to talk to strange men.

How do you say someone left a mark?

“However, more than anything else, the early death of two of her sisters left a mark on Ollier.”…What is another word for left a mark?

hit hat
made someone suffer impacted on
impinged on knocked back
knocked sideways made an impact
left a mark on

What is the synonym word for Mark?

Some common synonyms of mark are note, sign, symptom, and token. While all these words mean “a discernible indication of what is not itself directly perceptible,” mark suggests something impressed on or inherently characteristic of a thing often in contrast to general outward appearance.

What do you call someone who leaves a legacy?

Note that a testator is someone who writes a will, a legator is someone who leaves a legacy, so though they may be the same person, they are used in reference to different acts and therefore are not contextual equivalents.

What’s a fancy word for leaving?

OTHER WORDS FOR leave 1, 2 abandon, forsake, desert; relinquish. 9 forbear, renounce. 10 ignore, forget. 11 bequeath, will; devise, transmit.

What are synonyms for the word memorable?


  • noteworthy.
  • celebrated.
  • famous.
  • historic.
  • momentous.
  • notable.
  • remarkable.
  • significant.

What is a synonym for impactful?

If you want to substitute another word for impactful, use a synonym such as influential, powerful, or effective.

What is the synonym of the word remarkable?

Some common synonyms of remarkable are conspicuous, noticeable, outstanding, prominent, salient, and striking. While all these words mean “attracting notice or attention,” remarkable applies to something so extraordinary or exceptional as to invite comment. a film of remarkable intelligence and wit.

What does it mean to be a mark?

What does it mean when someone is a “Mark” The slang term “Mark” is a noun which is used to represent and describe someone who is a target of some kind of organized crime. A mark is a target.

What is a person’s mark?

A “mark” was a slang term for the individual who was to be the target of a scam. The Doctor was Neelix and Tom Paris’s mark, for a demonstration of the shell game which was supposed to show that their deceptive skills had not weakened with time.

What do you call someone who leaves a bequest?

A person or organisation you choose to leave a bequest to is known as a beneficiary.

What is a good synonym for legacy?

synonyms for legacy

  • estate.
  • gift.
  • tradition.
  • bequest.
  • birthright.
  • devise.
  • endowment.
  • heirloom.

What is leaving a group called?

break away phrasal verb. to leave a political party or other group, especially in order to start another one.

What is a word for leaving something behind?

Similar words for leave behind: abandon (verb) change (verb) get ahead (verb) leave (verb)

What does it mean when someone is enduring?

Besides meaning long-lasting, enduring sometimes means long-suffering as when someone has an enduring disposition, but this meaning is found in the verb more than in the adjective. Definitions of enduring. adjective. unceasing. synonyms: abiding, imperishable lasting, permanent.

How would you describe a memorable moment?

Without any prior notice, I completed my work and came home before the marriage day. I gave them a surprise, and when they saw me, everyone was shocked and felt very happy. Now I also start doing preparation for my sister’s marriage. My mother had tears in her eyes which made everyone emotional.

What is a synonym for have an impact?

influence. verblead to believe, do. act upon. affect. alter.

What word means very powerful or strong?

all-powerful, authoritative, capable, compelling, dominant, dynamic, energetic, forceful, impressive, influential, mighty, persuasive, potent, robust, vigorous, able, almighty, authoritarian, cogent, commanding.

Is notable a Synonym for remarkable?

OTHER WORDS FOR remarkable 1 exceptional, unusual, singular, uncommon, rare. 2 notable, noteworthy, distinguished, striking.