What is protocol and how it works?

What is protocol and how it works?

A network protocol is an established set of rules that determine how data is transmitted between different devices in the same network. Essentially, it allows connected devices to communicate with each other, regardless of any differences in their internal processes, structure or design.

What is the role of TCP?

TCP is used for organizing data in a way that ensures the secure transmission between the server and client. It guarantees the integrity of data sent over the network, regardless of the amount. For this reason, it is used to transmit data from other higher-level protocols that require all transmitted data to arrive.

What is the difference between policy and procedure?

Policies set some parameters for decision-making but leave room for flexibility. They show the “why” behind an action. Procedures, on the other hand, explain the “how.” They provide step-by-step instructions for specific routine tasks. They may even include a checklist or process steps to follow.

What is the grammatical used in the procedure text?

The Definition Of Procedure Text Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. It explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps. This text uses simple present tense, often imperative sentences. It also uses the temporal …

Is TCP layer 3 or 4?

Layer 4 – Transport The best known example of the Transport Layer is the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), which is built on top of the Internet Protocol (IP), commonly known as TCP/IP. TCP and UDP port numbers work at Layer 4, while IP addresses work at Layer 3, the Network Layer.

What are the features of TCP?


  • TCP is reliable protocol.
  • TCP ensures that the data reaches intended destination in the same order it was sent.
  • TCP is connection oriented.
  • TCP provides error-checking and recovery mechanism.
  • TCP provides end-to-end communication.
  • TCP provides flow control and quality of service.

What is TCP in simple words?

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) – a connection-oriented communications protocol that facilitates the exchange of messages between computing devices in a network. It is the most common protocol in networks that use the Internet Protocol (IP); together they are sometimes referred to as TCP/IP.

What is the difference between a procedure and work instruction?

A Procedure is more detailed than a process, but less detailed than a work instruction. It tells how a series of sequential tasks should be performed to achieve a specific outcome. A Work Instruction is the most detailed description of a task. It’s sole purpose is to explain step by step how to do a specific task.

What are the 7 layers of TCP IP model?

There are 7 layers:

  • Physical (e.g. cable, RJ45)
  • Data Link (e.g. MAC, switches)
  • Network (e.g. IP, routers)
  • Transport (e.g. TCP, UDP, port numbers)
  • Session (e.g. Syn/Ack)
  • Presentation (e.g. encryption, ASCII, PNG, MIDI)
  • Application (e.g. SNMP, HTTP, FTP)

What is the structure of a procedure?

A Board procedure is a sequence of actions organized into groups. The execution of a procedure starts with the first action of the first group (usually called Main group) and ends after executing the last action of the first group.

What is the language feature of a procedural recount?

Explanation: Procedural recount – simple action verbs, usually simple past tense; some inclusion of personal pronouns referring to people involved e.g. We planted the seeds in a pot.

What is the most important protocol?

Perhaps the most important computer protocol is OSI (Open Systems Interconnection), a set of guidelines for implementing networking communications between computers. Among the most important sets of Internet protocols are TCP/IP, HTTPS, SMTP, and DNS.

How many layers does TCP have?


What is the main function of TCP?

The transfer of data such as files and webpages over the internet makes use of TCP. Controlling the reliable transfer of data is the main function of TCP. In some cases, packets are lost or delivered out of order. This is because of unpredictable network behavior.