What is similar between Athens and Sparta?

What is similar between Athens and Sparta?

One of the main ways they were similar was in their form of government. Both Athens and Sparta had an assembly, whose members were elected by the people. Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually.

What are key characteristics of Athenian democracy?

Athens in the 5th to 4th century BCE had an extraordinary system of government: democracy. Under this system, all male citizens had equal political rights, freedom of speech, and the opportunity to participate directly in the political arena.

What were the three key features of the Athenian government?

The democratic government of Athens rested on three main institutions, and a few others of lesser importance. The three pillars of democracy were: the Assembly of the Demos, the Council of 500, and the People’s Court. These were supplemented by the Council of the Areopagus, the Archons, and the Generals.

Is the movie 300 historically accurate?

In its essence, 300 is a retelling of Herodotos’ account of the battle of Thermopylai (480 BC), meaning that its basic narrative is as historically accurate as we could hope for. However, there are at least 3 layers of historical inaccuracy piled on top of that, which makes the result ever so slightly less reliable.

Was Xerxes a good leader?

When Xerxes came to power, according to Ctesias and Herodotus, he successfully managed to suppress revolts in Egypt and Babylonia which had initiated in the reign of Darius showing that he was capable of keeping control in his own Empire and effective in putting down rebellions quickly.

Who was King Xerxes advisor?

uncle Artabanus

What was the intention of King Xerxes of Persia?

Xerxes I was a Persian ruler of the Achaemenid Empire, who ruled from 486 to 465 BCE. Upon ascending the throne, Xerxes mercilessly put down rebellions in Egypt and Babylon, demanding that all conquered cities treat him as their one king.

How does Herodotus portray Xerxes?

A leader, whether a despot or a saint, he represents his nation.In many ways, Xerxes is Orientalism personified. Naturally as the king of the Persians, Xerxes was wealthy. Not only was King Xerxes wealthy, but even his army was drenched in luxury. Herodotus describes the wealth of Xerxes’ army in great detail.

What are characteristics of life in Sparta but not Athens?

The characteristics of life in Sparta but not Athens are the stated in options A and C, that is: in Sparta slaves called helots tilled fields and did hard labor; and boys left home at age seven for military training.

Is Xerxes in the Bible?

Xerxes I is notable in Western history for his failed invasion of Greece in 480 BC. Xerxes is identified with the king Ahasuerus in the biblical Book of Esther, which scholars generally consider to be fictional.

Is Xerxes from 300 in the Bible?

Originally Answered: Is the Xerxes of 300 the same Xerxes of Esther? Yes; for all intents and purposes, Xerxes I, Emperor of Persia, the Levant, Asia Minor, Greece, and Pharaoh of Egypt, who reigned from 486–465 B.C., is the same person as the “Ahasuerus” spoken of in the book of Esther.

What was the general requirement to being a Spartan citizen?

The Spartan education process known as the agoge was essential for full citizenship. However, usually the only boys eligible for the agoge were Spartiates, those who could trace their ancestry to the original inhabitants of the city.