What is the epidemiology of botulism?

What is the epidemiology of botulism?

An average of 110 cases of botulism is reported annually in the US. About twenty-five percent of these cases are foodborne botulism. Mean age of infected people is 46 years, with a range from 3 to 78 years. Men and women are affected equally.

What is the most common cause of mortality with botulism?

Because it affects muscle control throughout your body, botulinum toxin can cause many complications. The most immediate danger is that you won’t be able to breathe, which is the most common cause of death in botulism.

Who is the most common victim of botulism?

Intestinal botulism is the most common form of botulism. Children under the age of 12 months are most susceptible, but adults who have certain gastrointestinal problems may also be at risk.

Who is most at risk for botulism?

People who inject certain drugs, such as black tar heroin, put themselves at greater risk of getting wound botulism. People who drink certain kinds of alcohol they make themselves, such as prisoners who drink “pruno” or “hooch” made in prisons, put themselves at greater risk of getting foodborne botulism.

What causes foodborne botulism?

Foodborne botulism is often caused by eating home-canned foods that have not been canned properly. Commercially canned foods are much less likely to be a source of botulism because modern commercial canning processes kill C. botulinum spores.

Where is botulism most prevalent?

The bacterium C. botulinum is found in soils and marine sediments throughout the world. In the United States, foodborne botulism has been associated primarily with home-canned foods, particularly vegetables, and with Alaska Native foods, especially fermented fish.

What are 5 food sources for botulism?

The botulinum toxin has been found in a variety of foods, including low-acid preserved vegetables, such as green beans, spinach, mushrooms, and beets; fish, including canned tuna, fermented, salted and smoked fish; and meat products, such as ham and sausage.

Where is botulism most common?

Where does foodborne botulism occur?

What are the three types of botulism?

A toxin is a poison that is released by some bacteria. There are three types of botulism: food, wound and infant botulism. Eating food that has the botulism toxin causes food-borne botulism.

What is the main source of botulism?