What is the theme of the word shaker?

What is the theme of the word shaker?

The Word Shaker story details the friendship between Max and Liesel, while also telling the story of how words helped Hitler rise to power. He planted words and images into the minds of many people, and from these words came symbols, and from these symbols came hate.

What does the Mein Kampf symbolize?

Mein Kampf (German: [maɪn ˈkampf]; My Struggle or My Fight) is a 1925 autobiographical manifesto by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The work describes the process by which Hitler became antisemitic and outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany.

Why did Liesel scavenge from garbage pails on the days she went on her laundry route?

Why did Liesel scavenge from garbage pails on the days she went on her laundry route? because she knew that the pages of text and crossword puzzles would be a welcomed gift for Max. because even if she believed any of this story, she realized that nothing she or Liesel had done could have changed the situation.

Why does Max leave Himmel Street?

Max Vandenburg Timeline and Summary Fairly quickly, he develops a close friendship with Liesel. When Hans publically shows his sympathy for Jewish people, Max is forced to leave Himmel Street, because Hans is afraid the Nazis will search his house.

Where has the word shaker another present to Liesel from Max been hidden?

By the time this gift comes to light, Max has left the Hubermanns’ house, and Liesel is absolutely missing him. Passed on to Rosa Hubermann for safekeeping, this book, The Word Shaker, was hidden in a mattress until Liesel ‘was ready.

How do words save Liesel’s life?

In the same way, the words that Liesel learns to use have the potential to both destroy and sustain. Literally it is words that sustain Liesel’s life at the end of the story as she retreats to the basement to write her book in secret.

Why was this better than saying Liesel kept her secret about Max to herself?

Why was this better than saying, “Liesel kept her secret about Max to herself”? The personification has more power to it. It is Zusak’s writing style. It gives the secret a sense of its own life that exists with Liesel.

What theme do you think the word shaker might point to regarding the power words hold?

It is a simple allegory for Nazi Germany and the power of words and compassion. Hitler’s rhetorical style is likened to a mother who scolds her son, damaging his feelings, then speaks to softly to him, perking him up. He decides he can control people through words and conquer the world without having to fire a gun.

How does Max characterize time?

How does Max characterize “time”? max is imagining a boxing match in a different space and time, a reality that exists only in his head. The snowman was a present for max who hadn’t seen the outside of the basement in a long time.

Is it from your cheek that I took the seed?

” Is it from your cheek that I took the seed.?” Max Vandenburg remained standing. He did not drop to his knees. People and Jews and clouds all stopped.

Does Mein Kampf remain a dangerous book?

According to the producer of Publish or Burn, which was first broadcast in January 2015, it remains a dangerous text.

How is the teardrop symbolism in the word shaker?

It can symbolize her love for words and the power of their relationship. “The word shaker allowed a single teardrop to fall on his face. The tear was made of friendship – a single word – which dried and became a seed… she planted the seed amongst the other tree.”