What literary devices are used in night?

What literary devices are used in night?

Elie Wiesel’s book, Night, uses similes, metaphors, irony, and symbolism to show how hateful and corrupt the Holocaust was with the hope that history will not repeat. Elie Wiesel uses similes and metaphors to give his reader a more vivid image of his situation.

What happened with Rabbi eliahou and his son?

What happens between Rabbi Eliahou and his son? What did Elie realize about Rabbi Eliahou and his son? The son abandoned his father when it looked as though his father, would not make it. He realizes that he and his father might be put into the same situation.

What does the bread symbolize in night?

The bread in particular gave the prisoners hope because it would last longer than the soup would and was more easily portable. The bread also symbolizes hope because it shows that bread was basically everyone’s life. Bread was known for one of the things that made everyone happy.

What event does Elie say he always remembers when he hears Beethoven?

“Suddenly, he hears the sound of the violin in the darkness in the middle of the night,” Jamner said. Elie recognized the music as Beethoven’s violin concerto, and realized it must be coming from Juliek, a prisoner from Warsaw who played in the orchestra at the Buna concentration camp.

What does Juliek play at Gleiwitz?

Juliek is a young man from Warsaw who played the violin in the Buna band, which is where Eliezer met him for the first time. Later he is transported with Eliezer to Buchenwald but he dies en route in the barracks at Gleiwitz. The night he dies, he plays his violin.

What does the last sentence in night mean?

This is the final passage of Night, Eliezer’s final statement about the effect the Holocaust has had on him. Eliezer implies that even though he has survived the war physically, he is essentially dead, his soul killed by the suffering he witnessed and endured.

Does Eliezer’s dad die?

Eliezer manages to wake him up in time to save him from being thrown out of the cattle car with the other corpses. When they finally arrive at Buchenwald, Eliezer’s father is deathly ill. Slowly, Eliezer’s father dies, calling Eliezer’s name. It is January 28, 1945.