What were some advantages of the Patriots?

What were some advantages of the Patriots?

The patriots advantages included fighting on their home ground; fighting for the freedom of their own land, which gave them an advantage over the hired Hessians of the British army; and their brilliant leader George Washington.

Why the Second Continental Congress sent the petition to King George III?

There was still a widespread belief that the problem was Parliament and an appeal to King George III would resolve those problems. In July 1775, Congress sent a petition to the King seeking a way to end the crisis between the British government and her American colonies.

What did the Patriots fight for?

Patriots were people who wanted the American colonies to gain their independence from Britain. They wanted their own country called the United States.

Who helped slaves escape to Canada?

Frederick Douglass. Formerly enslaved person and famed writer Frederick Douglass hid fugitives in his home in Rochester, New York, helping 400 escapees make their way to Canada. Former fugitive Reverend Jermain Loguen, who lived in neighboring Syracuse, helped 1,500 escapees go north.

How were loyalists treated during the war?

During the Revolutionary War, many loyalists were treated brutally –€” like the tarred and feathered man in this print. When the war wrapped up, loyalists often found they had to fend for themselves, or flee.

What were the disadvantages of the British?

The British fought a war far from home. Military orders, troops, and supplies sometimes took months to reach their destinations. The British had an extremely difficult objective. They had to persuade the Americans to give up their claims of independence.

What advantages did the loyalists have?

Being well trained and having a disciplined force was a big advantage for the British. It gave the soldiers the mind set of not running from anything or towards anything. They listened to their head general and they followed the orders of what they were supposed to do.

What were the advantages and disadvantages of the Patriots?

Patriot Advantages Patriot Disadvantages
Fighting to protect their homes No regular army
Fighting against mercenaries (Hessians) Lack of weapons and ammunition
Fighting for freedom Smaller population
Leadership (George Washington) Not all Americans supported independence

How were patriots different from loyalists?

Loyalists: colonists of the American revolutionary period who supported, and stayed loyal, to the British monarchy. Patriots: colonists who rebelled against British control during the American Revolution.