Who is Jennie in the Yellow Wallpaper?

Who is Jennie in the Yellow Wallpaper?

Jennie. John’s sister. Jennie acts as housekeeper for the couple. Her presence and her contentment with a domestic role intensify the narrator’s feelings of guilt over her own inability to act as a traditional wife and mother.

What does John do in the Yellow Wallpaper?

The narrator’s husband. He is a physician of high standing, and becomes doctor to his wife. He is extremely practical, rejects superstition, and is interested only in physical facts.

How do you cite the yellow wallpaper MLA?

MLA citation Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. The Yellow Wallpaper. Virago Press, 1981.

How does the author describe her illness in the Yellow Wallpaper?

The narrator’s identity isn’t revealed in The Yellow Wallpaper, but she can be identified as a women with a mental illness. John, the narrator’s physician husband, describes her mental illness as “temporary nervous depression” but she feels her illness is more serious.

What is the author trying to say in the Yellow Wallpaper?

The Yellow Wallpaper enlightens the reader on women’s health, motherhood, mental breakdown and its treatment, as well as feminism and gender relations in late 19th-century America.

Who is the protagonist in The Yellow Wallpaper?

Protagonist. Jane being the Narrator is the protagonist. She tells her life in the story and since we only hear about her problems and conflicts, we root for her. She is also the only character that undergoes transformation.

Is the narrator in The Yellow Wallpaper dynamic or static?

Narrator- The narrator is a dynamic character because in the beginning of the book, she actually acts and thinks like she is sane and doesn’t want to even look at the wallpaper.

What is the theme of The Yellow Wallpaper quizlet?

Theme: When Jane was oppressed, she went crazy and then eventually broke free of the oppression that her husband put her under. But that’s not the only kind of oppression they are talking about; they also speak about women’s oppression in society. Saying that women would break free of anyone who tries to oppress them.

What does the woman represent in the Yellow Wallpaper?

The creeping woman who eventually finds her way out of the paper, is symbolic of the narrator in the story finally breaking free from the constraints of society. The narrators madness is the only option for her to find freedom.