Why is shooting an elephant classified as a reflective essay?

Why is shooting an elephant classified as a reflective essay?

‘Shooting an elephant” by George Orwell classified as a reflective essay because it describes his feelings about personal experiences. The main characteristic of reflective essay is that author examines his own experience and demostrates it in a story.

What do you do with carbon crystals in Assassin’s Creed?

Used For. Upgrading Crafting items (Quiver, Glove, Bracer and Breastplate) to Yellow (Legendary) quality.

How long does it take to 100 Assassin’s Creed origins?

82 hours

Should I buy Heka chest?

Not worth it. It’s worth it once you’re level 40 and have all the weapons you use upgraded. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a level 40 legendary to replace what you’re using, but you can’t bank on it. At that point, there’s nothing to spend money on but mounts and outfits and you can get better ones from hekka chests.

Where can I buy Heka chests?

A young boy named Reda, his Nomad’s Bazaar shop offers “Heka Chests” for 3000 Drachma, the in-game currency.

What is silica for AC origins?

Silica is a special resource used for two purposes. Firstly it allows you to activate Ancient Mechanisms in some tombs for a bit of backstory and depth. Secondly, you can use it to trade for the Isu Armor. You need to collect 50 for the Isu Armor.

Where is the ISU armor?


How do you get money in Assassin’s Creed origins?

In order to quickly earn money in Assassin’s Creed Origins, you’re going to want to loot every location possible in the game. We previously mentioned how you can complete location objectives to earn yourself XP for Bayek, and these location objectives will often task you with finding a treasure chest in the location

Can you sell carbon crystals in Assassin’s Creed origins?

They can just be sold as Unnecessary items

How do you get shards of stars?

How to get Shards of a Star? If you need shards, your best bet would be to hunt either the giant scorpions (which drop two) or the pharaoh’s shadows (which drop three). Our favorite method is to go to the Royal Palace in the south of Aten and kill the three scorpions there

Can you get outfits from Heka chests?

Yes. You can get that gear from the Hekka chests…just don’t even expect too. And with my end game character, I have probably bought 50+ Heke chests. I have gotten some awesome weapons and shields, but no outfits or mounts.

Where can I get carbon crystals in Assassin’s Creed?

All you can do is be very thorough in camp and tomb locations. They tend to be in the tents/rooms of high ranking soldiers, or in hidden rooms in tombs and undersea treasure spots. That’s too bad, they’re not common, and I’ll need about 50 of them to have all fully-upgraded stuff again