Why is The Chocolate War a banned book?

Why is The Chocolate War a banned book?

However, the book has been banned from many schools and it was one of the most challenged books of 2006, for its sexual content, strong language, and violence.

What reading level is the Chocolate War?

The Chocolate War (M Books)

Interest Level Reading Level ATOS
Grades 9 – 12 Grades 3 – 6 5.4

Why does Goober quit the football team?

Why does The Goober quit football team? Due to watching the destruction of Room Nineteen & seeing B. Eugene so scared after the incident. He believes the school is “more than rotten” and “evil”.

What genre is The Chocolate War?

Young adult fiction

What is the setting of the chocolate war?

The main setting of Robert Cormier’s 1974 novel The Chocolate War is Trinity, an all boys high school in an unnamed New England town. The present action of the story happens during the school’s fall semester, with some flashbacks to the previous spring, which is when Jerry’s mother died from cancer.

How do the vigils make sure everyone sells his quota of chocolates?

How do the Vigils make sure everyone sells his quota of chocolates? They are threatening kids to sell and then distributing the money about so that it looks like every kid is selling his quota, as if every kid is on board with the sale.

What is the theme of The Chocolate War?

The goal of The Vigils is to create their own universe that all of the students must follow the rules that they’ve set. Eventually, The Vigils end up creating a universe so powerful that no one dare defy it, until Jerry comes along.

Is The Chocolate War a good book?

Parents need to know that The Chocolate War remains one of the best books for teens when it comes to examining moral issues. The intensity of emotion will challenge readers to form opinions and engage.

What kind of animal is labang in the story?

Baldo – Narrator, brother of Leon. Leon – The husband of Maria. Maria – The wife of Leon. Labang – the family cow.

Who is Jerry in The Chocolate War?

Jerry Renault The protagonist of the story. Jerry decides that he dares to disturb the universe. He single-handedly takes on the biggest bullies in school—both a gang of kids and a crooked teacher. Jerry does not complain or rat on the people making his life hell.

What does the black box symbolize in the chocolate war?

The black box represents that which keeps power in check. This box is appropriate for the world in which Cormier wrote The Chocolate War. The United States Constitution has measures in place to counteract illicit activity. Like the black box, it is a very old check on power.

What happens at the end of the chocolate war?

Archie tells him that the chocolates all got sold, and that this was his payoff. Brother Leon joins them, and tells Jacques that “boys will be boys” and tells Archie that he knows Archie did it for the school. Archie realizes that he is in the clear, forever—he, Brother Leon and The Vigils.

Who is brother Leon?

Brother Leon is the Assistant Headmaster at Trinity, and Jerry’s homeroom teacher. Like Archie, he seems almost too villainous to be believed. Since we never get inside his head, and don’t get info about his past, we don’t know if he’s always been this way, or how he got so rotten.

What is the plot of The Chocolate War?

New boy at strict Catholic High School, Jerry Renault, is bullied into selling boxes of chocolates for the school’s annual fund-raising event. The sadistic headmaster, Brother Leon, and ‘The Vigils’, a viscious gang of school thugs, make Jerry’s life hell when he decides he won’t be pushed around anymore.

What is the main conflict in the chocolate war?

major conflict Jerry’s refusal to sell chocolates at the school chocolate sale. rising action Jerry’s refusal after the first ten days and The Vigils’ subsequent punishment of that choice.

Why is Jerry summoned before the vigils?

Terms in this set (6) Why is Jerry summoned before Vigils? To get Jerry to sell chocolates.

When was the Chocolate War published?


What does the poster in Jerry’s locker say in what way is this symbolic of Jerry’s situation?

The poster, however, symbolizes that Jerry has thought long and hard—each time he opens his locker—about what it means to be a “disturbance,” and what it means to “dare” to disturb a longstanding order.

What did the kid on the bus say to Jerry?

Recognizing Jerry as the student who is standing up to Brother Leon by refusing to sell chocolates, the kid on the bus tells him that he’s “got guts”.

Why is Tubs Casper selling the chocolates?

Why is Tubs Casper selling the chocolates? He becomes a treasure for the sale because Leon volunteered him to be it. He agrees because he scared of Leon. Archie believes that the world is made up of two kinds of people.

Why did Archie choose the goober for an assignment?

Archie is interested in spreading evil throughout the school. He chooses The Goober for an assignment because he is untainted and good. Archie can’t resist the chance to corrupt this goodness, and he chooses the perfect assignment for him.

What is the goober’s assignment?

Archie gives Goober his assignment: Goober is to sneak into Brother Eugene’s room after school and unscrew everything such as desks, handles, chairs, and doors. He must loosen all the screws until they are barely in the hole, so that when the students come in and sit down, everything will fall apart.

What does Jerry discover about himself during football practice?

What does Jerry discover about himself during football practice? He discovers he could make the team, and that he has guts.

Who are the vigils?

The Vigils, headed by Archie Costello, specialize in making assignments that other students have to complete. These assignments vary, depending on the person, and intend to inflict as much psychological injury as possible. Early in the book, Jerry’s friend known as The Goober gets an assignment from The Vigils.

Who banned the Chocolate War?

It has also been criticized as needlessly vulgar and skewed toward the worst of human nature (Carlson and Bagnell). It is number five on the list of banned books in public schools and libraries according to the book Banned in the USA by Herbert Foerstel.

How long is the Chocolate War?

100 minutes

How does Archie plan to sell his chocolates Why is he pleased with his plan?

How does Archie plan to sell his chocolates? Why is he pleased with his plan? he plans to sell his chocolates by picking five guys and giving each guy 10 boxes to sell. He is please because he believes his plan is fair rather than giving all of the boxes to one guy, even though he knows its rediculous.