Would it have been worth it after all?

Would it have been worth it after all?

And would it have been worth it, after all, After the cups, the marmalade, the tea, Among the porcelain, among some talk of you and me, Would it have been worth while, To have bitten off the matter with a smile, To have squeezed the universe into a ball To roll it toward some overwhelming question, To say: “I am …

Why is Prufrock a love song?

“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” while not adhering to the traditional idea of a love song, still qualifies as one because it describes the longing of the speaker for his beloved.

Why does Obie bring the black box to the fight?

Why does Obie bring the black box to the fight? Archie will have to draw two marbles, one for Janza and one for Jerry. He’s hoping, of course, that Archie will draw a black marble and then have to take the place of one of the fighters.

Do I dare to disturb the universe?

Disturb the universe? In a minute there is time. For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.”

What is Prufrock’s overwhelming question?

Scholars and critics alike agree that the “overwhelming question” that is the focus of all of Prufrock’s ponderings in the poem is most likely a marriage proposal, or a question of a woman’s feelings for him.

What advice does Jerry give the goober How does the goober react?

Advise given to The Goober by Jerry. How does The Goober react? Renault’s advise was that it’s The Vigils at fault for the incident. The Goober said there was something so evil at Trinity that he does not want to get involved or give something back.

What is Prufrock afraid of?

Prufrock is afraid of death, rejection, judgment, and growing old alone.

Why is Prufrock afraid to eat a peach?

Alfred Prufrock is afraid to eat a peach because he is afraid of ridicule and afraid of women, or at least of their judgment and rejection. Daring to eat a messy peach is symbolic of everything Prufrock is afraid to do for fear of what other people might think.

How do the students harass the new teacher brother Jacques?

How does the students harass the new teacher, Brother Jacques? By dancing when ever Brother Jacques said the word environment. Brother Jacques planned the stunt to make the class dance every time he said the word “environment”, so be confident tore the class out.

Who is Archie in The Chocolate War?

Archibald “Archie” Costello is the primary antagonist of the 1974 young adult novel The Chocolate War by the late Robert Cormier and its 1988 film adaptation of the same name, as well as its 1985 sequel Beyond the Chocolate War. He was portrayed by Wallace Langham.

What is the yellow smoke in Prufrock?

The yellow smoke or fog in “Prufrock” is a product of the modern city, but it also is a symbol that reflects Prufrock’s tenuous and marginal place within the city.

How old is Jerry in The Chocolate War?


Do I dare disturb the universe The Chocolate War?

Inspired by the poster in his locker that reads: “Do I dare disturb the universe?” and Jerry decides that that is precisely what he will do. The Vigils consider Jerry’s refusal to sell a defiance of their assignment. It is obvious that The Vigils are selling all the chocolates.

Who is Jerry Renault?

Jerry Renault The protagonist of the story. Jerry decides that he dares to disturb the universe. He single-handedly takes on the biggest bullies in school—both a gang of kids and a crooked teacher. Jerry does not complain or rat on the people making his life hell.