Written Assignments Made to Order

Independent execution of a written assignment is the best way to test the knowledge and skills of the student. Abstracts teach students to work with information, help to study the topic and form a point of view on the problem. Research is the most interesting part of learning.

Undoubtedly, the above statements sound right and awaken academic pride. However, in the modern world the truthfulness of these phrases is questionable because more and more students download the finished written assignments from the Internet, for example, buy assignment, buy ready-made written assignments, hiring of authors custom writing assignments.

It is necessary to understand whether the practice of performing written assignment to order actually harms and interferes with the educational process, or there is no need for students to independently perform a written assignment. Maybe this is a meaningless occupation and simply spends precious time of students.

Table of Contents

How it works

On a paid basis, you can order any kind of written assignment. For the money for you will be written:

  • an essay;
  • a test or thesis;
  • a dissertation;
  • homework on any school subject.

It is very easy to find performers of written assignments on request, it is enough just to formulate a request on the Internet and a huge list of such performers will open before your eyes. Besides, knowing that schoolchildren and students actively use social networks, they distribute advertising of their services there.

In the headings of the performers of written assignments to order are such words as “to help students.” But the meaning of these phrases is very distorted, by “help” means the performance of work from beginning to end for the student, it is required only to specify the subject of the written task and pay for the services of the contractor, nothing more. It’s not like the learning process, is it?

When such performers of written assignment speak about their merits, they mean:

  • professionalism;
  • mastery of the topics of written assignments in perfection;
  • performance of work in a short time;
  • a high level of originality of finished written assignment.

What do the performers mean by the high level of originality? Some students may think that this implies some interesting ideas, but no. In fact, this is an acceptable level of borrowed information.

The opportunity to order the performing of a written assignment on a paid basis is always there, but what to do if the teacher asks the student to give an explanation of any point described in the work. But the performers of written assignments all provided and included in the range of their services support the student in the exam. Thanks to the development of technology, it has become very accessible – the student uses the earpiece, in which the author of the work dictates to him the correct answers to the questions of the teacher.

What in most cases students order

Most often, students of economics, law and biological faculties order the execution of such written assignments as essays, test papers, term papers and theses.

Applications for written assignments are very brief: students indicate only the topic and nothing more, there are no explanatory comments on how to perform this assignment and what to pay special attention to. This is due to the fact that students who use the services to perform written assignment, they can not do it on their own and, therefore, do not understand the problem.

If there is demand, there will be supply. Written assignment services cover the needs of all who are students of an educational institution.

Results of use of services of performance of the written assignment

Unfortunately, nowadays more and more students turn to the executors of written assignments. They don’t see teachers as mates, whose main task is to share with their students the knowledge and skills that will be very useful to them in their further professional development.

Putting before students the task of performing written assignment teachers give them the opportunity to independently implement the theoretical knowledge in practice. Students perceive this as an attempt to convict them of academic incompetence, and they are willing to do anything to prove them the opposite, even if for the sake of it will have to turn to the services of performers of written assignments, but in the end they will show off to the teacher their false knowledge.